Kelsey Calder
Exercise 1

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What is this Plant? 
Google says it's likely a Prunus Tree based on an image search.
It's in the subfamily - Amygdaloideae -
which is a large word.

Another member of the family is Roses!
Robert Frost is linked on the Amygdaloideae page, as he has a famous quote relating to Roses, a member of that subfamily. I clicked on his name because I recognized it from a poem.

Quote:  "The rose is a rose and was always a rose / But the theory now goes that the apple's a rose, / and the pear is, and so's the plum, I suppose."
How would someone go about growing this plant? 
Cherry trees bloom in spring. In our hyphothetical garden with cherry trees - what else could we grow? 

There is a link leading to page 'Spring Garden Ideas and Activities'
From here there's a link to the 'Best Indoor Plants to Grow'.

They list a ton of different plants, but I wanted to find the one that most closely resembled the initial Cherry Tree image.

It was a Polka Dot Plant - which doesn't share too many of the same features of a Cherry Tree, expect the bright pink colouring.
I wondered if the Cherry Tree shared any family similiarities with the Polka Dot Plant.

They do not.

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