Kelsey Calder

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Are Coffee and Caffeine

Products Beneficial for the Body?

Coffee is an essential part of my - and likely many people's - every day. The caffeine gives you that extra boost of energy to start off the morning or a kick in the butt to motivate you in the afternoon. It has become such an integral part of life; you can find a coffee shop on almost every street and no one questions it.

We are told that caffeine is bad for you - energy drinks especially. Everyone knows there’s health risks, but we continue to drink it.

Do the benefits of the drug outweigh the bad? Are there versions of caffeine that are more or less harmful than others?

I also want to dive into caffeine culture and how it has become such an important part of life. So much so, many work places offer 'coffee breaks' and have free coffee available for employees.

Are you a regular coffee drinker? Or do you get your caffeine fix in a different form?

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Break Out Group Take-Away

After our break out groups, I think I want to focus in more on coffee culture and how's integrated into our society.

Of course, the qualities of coffee contribute to this - caffeine, energy boost, addictive nature - so I will still have some research on the goods and bads of caffeine.

I think it would be interesting to run a poll, or multiple polls, about caffeine usage, how people consume caffeine, if it's a conscience thing or a daily ritual they do without thinking about it.