Kelsey Calder

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Assignment 1 - Wandering Through the Internet
Benefits of Tattooing
Permanency of Tattoos
What's Up?

Have you every personally stabbed yourself? Have you every paid someone to stab you? 

Why do people endure so much pain to imprint an image on their body, potentially for the rest of their life? 

Tattoos were invented to mark humans, with some sort of significance. Depending on the culture, they could be seen as trophies from battle, a mark of a prisoner, good luck, etc.

In a way, this artform has evolved and devolved. Technology has advanced so tattoos are safer, cleaner and clearer. We often put our own significance behind them.

However, they often no longer really hold any cultural significance. People mark themselves with logos, cartoon characters, and so, so, so many roses.

I'm interested in the history and stories of tattooing. 

We shed skin (fun fact - every cell of your body will be replaced in 7 years), so how do tattoos remain permanent? 

What are your thoughts? Feelings? 


Are Tattoos Considered Fine Art?

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